Anime Merchandising Market

Global Anime Merchandising Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Regional Outlook, and Forecast 2023-2030 - (By Type Coverage, By Genre Coverage, By Geographic Coverage and Leading Companies)

Published Date: Aug 2023 | Format: | No. of Pages: 210

Industry: Information & Communications Technology

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Global Anime Merchandising Market Forecast

  • Global anime merchandising market to rise at a significant pace of 8.10% CAGR during assessment 2023 - 2030
  • Market valuation to reach around US$44.67 Bn by the end of 2030

Market Analysis in Brief

The projected growth is driven by the increasing popularity and distribution of Japanese anime content on a global scale. This expansion is further bolstered by substantial revenue generation from worldwide sales of anime content and associated merchandise. The market's upward trajectory is expected to be significantly influenced by the growing preference for online distribution and mobile gaming, particularly contributing to overseas sales in Japan. Notably, animators, artists, publishers, developers, and creative entities collectively play a pivotal role in enhancing the market's value proposition. The availability of anime streaming platforms and online retailers allows fans from different regions to engage with anime content and easily purchase related merchandise. Furthermore, the internet facilitates fan engagement through online communities, enhancing the sense of belonging and driving demand for anime merchandise. As internet penetration continues to increase, the anime merchandising market is expected to experience sustained growth, supported by the growing popularity and global reach of anime.

Anime Merchandising Market

Key Report Findings

  • The market for anime merchandising will demonstrate robust revenue growth over the forecast period, i.e., between 2023 and 2030.
  • The action and adventure genre dominated the anime merchandising market share due to its broad popularity and engaging content.
  • Merchandising type gained the largest market share in the anime merchandising market due to its widespread appeal and diverse range of products.
  • Asia Pacific will continue to lead its way, whereas North America's anime merchandising market will experience the strongest growth till 2030.

Growth Drivers

Growing Anime Popularity

Due to several key factors, the growing popularity of anime worldwide is a significant driver for the anime merchandising market. Firstly, as anime gains a broader global audience, the fan base for various anime series and characters expands. Fans often express their passion for anime by purchasing merchandise related to their favourite shows, such as action figures, posters, clothing, and accessories. The increasing number of anime enthusiasts worldwide contributes to higher demand for anime merchandise, boosting the growth of the merchandising market.

Moreover, the rise of digital streaming platforms and online communities has made it easier for international audiences to access and engage with anime content. Streaming services offer a wide selection of anime series and movies, making it more convenient for fans to follow their favourite shows from anywhere in the world. As anime becomes more accessible and popular among global audiences, the demand for associated merchandise naturally increases, expanding the anime merchandising market.

Rampant Expansion of Digital Platforms

Anime has evolved from a niche interest to a mainstream cultural phenomenon. It has permeated various aspects of pop culture, including fashion, gaming, and entertainment. As anime characters and themes become iconic and recognisable worldwide, they create opportunities for merchandise collaborations with other industries. For example, fashion brands may incorporate anime-inspired designs into their collections, and video game companies may develop merchandise related to popular anime titles. These collaborations further drive the growth of the anime merchandising market by tapping into diverse consumer segments. In conclusion, the growing popularity of anime worldwide is a powerful driver for the anime merchandising market.

The increasing fan base, facilitated by digital platforms and online communities, leads to higher demand for anime-related merchandise. Additionally, anime's integration into mainstream pop culture opens up collaborations and cross-industry merchandise opportunities, further contributing to the market growth. As anime continues to captivate audiences globally, the anime merchandising market is expected to experience sustained expansion in the coming years.

Growing Internet Penetration, and Increasing Demand for Anime-based Content

Rising internet penetration is a significant driver for the anime merchandising market due to its impact on expanding the global audience reach and accessibility of anime content. As more regions and countries access high-speed internet, anime streaming platforms have become widely available, allowing fans worldwide to watch their favourite anime series and movies conveniently. This increased accessibility fosters a larger and more diverse fan base, which, in turn, translates to higher demand for anime merchandise. Fans can easily explore and purchase a wide range of anime-related products from online retailers, contributing to the growth of the anime merchandising market.

Moreover, the internet has transformed how fans engage with anime content and interact with other enthusiasts. Social media platforms, anime forums, and online communities allow fans to share their love for anime, discuss favourite shows and characters, and showcase their anime merchandise collections. This sense of community and engagement further fuels fan enthusiasm and drives the desire to own merchandise related to their favourite anime series. As internet penetration increases, the online anime community will continue to grow, boosting the demand for merchandise as fans seek to connect and express their passion for anime with like-minded individuals.

The internet enables targeted marketing and personalised recommendations for anime merchandise. Online retailers can analyze consumer behavior and preferences, using this data to suggest relevant merchandise to potential buyers. As internet penetration allows more individuals to shop online, anime merchandise can reach a broader and more targeted audience. This data-driven approach enhances the efficiency of merchandising strategies. It ensures that anime fans are presented with appealing products, encouraging them to make purchases and contributing to the growth of the anime merchandising market. In conclusion, rising internet penetration is a key driver for the anime merchandising market as it expands the global audience reach and accessibility of anime content.

Growth Challenges

Lower Budget, and Shortage of Skilled Animators

The lower budget and shortage of skilled animators pose significant challenges to the anime merchandising market. Animation is a labor-intensive process that requires skilled animators to bring characters and scenes to life. However, the anime industry often needs more budget constraints, especially for smaller or less well-established studios. With limited funds, these studios may need help to produce high-quality anime content, leading to less appealing and marketable characters and storylines. As a result, the demand for merchandise related to these anime series may be lower due to the lack of widespread popularity and appeal among fans.

Furthermore, more skilled animators can result in production delays and higher production quality. In some cases, studios may outsource animation work to countries with cheaper labor, which can lead to consistency in art styles and animation quality. When anime series does not meet fans' expectations regarding animation quality, it can harm the overall fan experience and reduce interest in associated merchandise. Fans are likelier to purchase anime-related merchandise with top-notch animation and captivating storytelling, making the shortage of skilled animators a critical challenge for the anime merchandising market.

Moreover, budget constraints and a shortage of skilled animators can lead to rushed production schedules. To meet deadlines and release episodes on time, studios may compromise on animation quality, resulting in poorly executed scenes and characters. When fans perceive a decline in animation quality, they may become less enthusiastic about the anime and its related merchandise. The lack of attention to detail and artistic appeal can significantly impact the marketability and desirability of anime merchandise, hindering the growth of the anime merchandising market.

In conclusion, the lower budget and shortage of skilled animators present significant challenges to the anime merchandising market. Budget constraints may lead to less appealing anime content, while the shortage of skilled animators can result in production delays and lower animation quality. These factors can reduce the popularity and marketability of anime series, affecting fans' demand for associated merchandise. To address these challenges, the anime industry may need to invest in talent development and allocate sufficient resources to ensure high-quality animation and storytelling, ultimately supporting the growth of the anime merchandising market.

Overview of Key Segments

Merchandising Type Category Captures the Largest Market Share

The merchandising type captured the largest market share in the anime market due to its versatility and wide range of products. The anime industry's merchandise includes various categories, such as action figures, clothing, accessories, posters, and collectibles. This diverse array of products appeals to different anime fan base segments, attracting casual fans and hardcore enthusiasts. The availability of a vast selection of merchandise ensures that fans can find products that suit their preferences and budgets, contributing to higher sales and making the merchandising type the largest segment in the anime merchandising market.

Additionally, anime merchandising often focuses on popular and iconic characters from well-known anime series. These characters have a strong emotional connection with fans, and many enthusiasts are eager to collect merchandise featuring their favourite characters. The merchandising type effectively capitalises on this emotional attachment by producing high-quality and visually appealing products that resonate with fans. As a result, fans are more likely to purchase multiple merchandise items, leading to increased sales and a dominant market share for the merchandising type.

Moreover, the merchandising type benefits from strategic marketing and licensing agreements with anime production studios. Licensed merchandise often features official artwork and designs, which enhances its authenticity and appeal to fans. Using official artwork also ensures that the products accurately represent the anime characters and maintain a consistent brand image. Fans often prefer licensed merchandise for its quality and authenticity, leading to a higher demand for such products and making the merchandising type the largest market segment in the anime merchandising market.

To conclude, the merchandising type captures the largest market share in the anime merchandising market due to its versatility, wide range of products, and strategic marketing and licensing agreements. The availability of various merchandise categories, coupled with fans' emotional connection with iconic anime characters, contributes to increased sales and a dominant market share for the merchandising type. As the anime industry continues to grow and gain popularity worldwide, the merchandising type is expected to remain the largest segment in the anime merchandising market.

Action and Adventure Segment Maintains Lead

The action and adventure genre captured the largest market share in the anime merchandising market due to its broad appeal and wide fan base. Action and adventure anime series often feature thrilling and adrenaline-pumping storylines, dynamic characters, and intense battles, which resonate with diverse audiences. This genre attracts anime enthusiasts and fans of action-packed storytelling across different age groups and demographics. As a result, the popularity of action and adventure anime translates to higher demand for merchandise related to these series, making it the largest market segment in the anime merchandising market.

Moreover, the action and adventure genre often features iconic and memorable characters known for their distinct personalities and fighting abilities. Fans become emotionally attached to these characters and are eager to own merchandise that celebrates and showcases their favourite heroes and villains. Action figures, apparel, and collectibles featuring these characters have become highly sought after by fans, contributing to the dominance of the action and adventure genre in the anime merchandising market.

Additionally, the action and adventure genre often includes elements of fantasy, sci-fi, and supernatural themes, which provide ample creative opportunities for merchandisers. The unique settings and fantastical worlds depicted in action and adventure anime series inspire various merchandise designs and products. Merchandisers can leverage these imaginative and visually appealing elements to create a diverse range of merchandise that captivates fans and drives higher sales. This creative freedom and flexibility in merchandise design contribute to the continued dominance of the action and adventure genre in the anime merchandising market.

The action and adventure genre captures the largest market share in the anime merchandising market due to its broad appeal, emotional connection with fans, and the creative opportunities it presents for merchandise design. The intense storytelling, iconic characters, and imaginative settings of action and adventure anime series attract a wide fan base and drive high demand for related merchandise. As long as action and adventure anime continue to enthrall audiences with their thrilling narratives, the genre will likely maintain its dominant position in the anime merchandising market.

Growth Opportunities Across Regions

Asia Pacific Jumps in the Bandwagon

Asia Pacific captured the largest market share in the anime merchandising market in 2022 due to its deep-rooted and widespread anime culture. The region has been at the forefront of the anime industry, being the birthplace of many iconic anime series and characters. As a result, there is a large and dedicated fan base for anime in the Asia Pacific, with fans eager to express their love for their favourite shows and characters through merchandise. This passionate fan base has contributed significantly to the demand for anime merchandise, making the Asia Pacific the largest product market.

Moreover, Asia Pacific is home to several major economies, including Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan, major players in the global anime industry. These countries have thriving animation studios and well-established merchandising companies that produce and distribute various anime-related products. The accessibility of official merchandise in the region and the popularity of anime conventions and events further fuel the demand for anime merchandise among fans.

The presence of a robust infrastructure for anime merchandising contributes to Asia Pacific's dominant position in the market. Furthermore, the growing popularity of anime worldwide has also impacted Asia Pacific's dominance in the anime merchandising market. As anime gains a global audience, there is an increasing demand for authentic and officially licensed merchandise.

Given its close connection to the anime industry, Asia Pacific is a trusted source of high-quality and authentic anime merchandise. This perception has led to a surge in demand for anime merchandise from fans outside the region, further strengthening Asia Pacific's position as the largest market for anime merchandising.

In a nutshell, Asia Pacific's leading position in the anime merchandising market can be attributed to its strong anime culture, the presence of major economies with thriving anime industries, and its reputation as a trusted source of authentic anime merchandise. As anime continues to gain popularity worldwide, the demand for anime merchandise is expected to remain strong in Asia Pacific, solidifying its dominant position in the global anime merchandising market.

North America Presents a Hub of Opportunities

Due to several key factors, North America is the fastest-growing region in the anime merchandising market. Firstly, there has been a significant surge in the popularity of anime among North American audiences in recent years. Anime series and movies are now readily available on various streaming platforms, making it easier for fans to access and engage with a wide range of anime content. As more people in North America become exposed to anime, the fan base continues to expand rapidly, driving higher demand for anime merchandise in the region.

Furthermore, the rise of conventions and events dedicated to anime and pop culture has contributed to the growth of the anime merchandising market in North America. Anime conventions attract thousands of passionate fans who come together to celebrate their favourite shows and characters. These events are significant opportunities for merchandisers to showcase and sell official anime merchandise. The popularity of anime conventions has grown exponentially in North America, creating a thriving market for anime-related products and contributing to the region's status as the fastest-growing anime merchandising market.

Moreover, North America has a strong consumer culture, and anime merchandise has become increasingly integrated into mainstream pop culture. Many retailers and e-commerce platforms now offer a wide selection of anime-related products, ranging from apparel and accessories to collectibles and home decor. The increasing availability of official merchandise in the region has made it easier for fans to purchase their favourite anime products, thereby boosting the growth of the anime merchandising market in North America.

North America's rapid growth in the anime merchandising market can thus be attributed to the popularity of anime among the region's audiences, the rise of anime conventions, and the integration of anime merchandise into mainstream pop culture. As anime continues to gain traction and become a more significant part of North American pop culture, the demand for anime merchandise will continue growing, solidifying North America's position as the fastest-growing region in the global anime merchandising market.

Anime Merchandising Market: Competitive Landscape

Some of the leading players at the forefront in the anime merchandising market space include Pierrot Co. Ltd., Production I.G Inc., Studio Ghibli Inc., Sunrise Inc. (Bandai Namco Filmworks), Toei Animation Co. Ltd., Bones Inc., Kyoto Animation Co. Ltd., MADHOUSE Inc., Crunchyroll (Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.), Progressive Animation Works Co. Ltd. (PA Works), Good Smile Company Inc., Discotek Media, Sentai Holdings LLC (AMC Networks), VIZ Media LLC, Ufotable Co. Ltd., and Atomic Flare.

The Global Anime Merchandising Market is Segmented as Below:

By Type

  • T.V.
  • Movie
  • Video
  • Internet Distribution
  • Merchandising
  • Music
  • Pachinko
  • Live Entertainment

By Genre

  • Action & Adventure
  • SciFi & Fantasy
  • Romance & Drama
  • Sports

By Geographic Coverage

  • North America 
    • U.S.
    • Canada 
  • Europe 
    • Germany
    • U.K.
    • France
    • Italy
    • Turkey
    • Russia
    • Rest of Europe 
  • Asia Pacific 
    • China
    • Japan
    • South Korea
    • India
    • Southeast Asia
    • Rest of Asia Pacific 
  • Latin America 
    • Brazil 
    • Mexico 
    • Argentina
    • Rest of Latin America 
  • Middle East & Africa  
    • GCC 
    • South Africa
    • Egypt
    • Nigeria
    • Rest of the Middle East & Africa

1. Executive Summary
    1.1. Global Anime Merchandising Market Snapshot
    1.2. Future Projections
    1.3. Key Market Trends
    1.4. Regional Snapshot, by Value, 2022
    1.5. Analyst Recommendations

2. Market Overview
    2.1. Market Definitions and Segmentations
    2.2. Market Dynamics
           2.2.1. Drivers
           2.2.2. Restraints
           2.2.3. Market Opportunities
    2.3. Value Chain Analysis
    2.4. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
    2.5. Covid-19 Impact Analysis
           2.5.1. Supply
           2.5.2. Demand
    2.6. Impact of Ukraine-Russia Conflict
    2.7. Economic Overview
           2.7.1. World Economic Projections
    2.8. PESTLE Analysis

3. Global Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    3.1. Global Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           3.1.1. Key Highlights
        Internet Distribution
        Live Entertainment
    3.2. Global Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           3.2.1. Key Highlights
        Action & Adventure
        SciFi & Fantasy
        Romance & Drama
    3.3. Global Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Region, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           3.3.1. Key Highlights
        North America
        Asia Pacific
        Latin America
        Middle East & Africa

4. North America Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    4.1. North America Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           4.1.1. Key Highlights
        Internet Distribution
        Live Entertainment
    4.2. North America Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           4.2.1. Key Highlights
        Action & Adventure
        SciFi & Fantasy
        Romance & Drama
           4.2.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    4.3. North America Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           4.3.1. Key Highlights
        U.S. Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        U.S. Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Canada Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Canada Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           4.3.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

5. Europe Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    5.1. Europe Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           5.1.1. Key Highlights
        Internet Distribution
        Live Entertainment
    5.2. Europe Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           5.2.1. Key Highlights
        Action & Adventure
        SciFi & Fantasy
        Romance & Drama
           5.2.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    5.3. Europe Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           5.3.1. Key Highlights
        Germany Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Germany Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        U.K. Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        U.K. Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        France Anime Merchandising Market By Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        France Anime Merchandising Market By Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Italy Anime Merchandising Market By Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Italy Anime Merchandising Market By Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Russia Anime Merchandising Market By Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Russia Anime Merchandising Market By Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest Of Europe Anime Merchandising Market By Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest Of Europe Anime Merchandising Market By Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           5.3.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

6. Asia Pacific Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    6.1. Asia Pacific Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           6.1.1. Key Highlights
        Internet Distribution
        Live Entertainment
    6.2. Asia Pacific Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           6.2.1. Key Highlights
        Action & Adventure
        SciFi & Fantasy
        Romance & Drama
           6.2.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    6.3. Asia Pacific Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           6.3.1. Key Highlights
        China Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        China Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Japan Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Japan Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        South Korea Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        South Korea Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        India Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        India Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Southeast Asia Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Southeast Asia Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Asia Pacific Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Asia Pacific Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           6.3.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

7. Latin America Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    7.1. Latin America Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           7.1.1. Key Highlights
        Internet Distribution
        Live Entertainment
    7.2. Latin America Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           7.1.2. Key Highlights
        Action & Adventure
        SciFi & Fantasy
        Romance & Drama
           7.2.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    7.3. Latin America Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           7.3.1. Key Highlights
        Brazil Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Brazil Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Mexico Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Mexico Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Latin America Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Latin America Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           7.3.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

8. Middle East & Africa Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    8.1. Middle East & Africa Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           8.1.1. Key Highlights
        Internet Distribution
        Live Entertainment
    8.2. Middle East & Africa Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           8.2.1. Key Highlights
        Action & Adventure
        SciFi & Fantasy
        Romance & Drama
           8.2.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    8.3. Middle East & Africa Anime Merchandising Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           8.3.1. Key Highlights
        GCC Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        GCC Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        South Africa Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        South Africa Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Middle East & Africa Anime Merchandising Market by Type, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Middle East & Africa Anime Merchandising Market by Genre, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           8.3.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

9. Competitive Landscape
    9.1. Company Market Share Analysis, 2022
    9.2. Competitive Dashboard
    9.3. Company Profiles
           9.3.1. Pierrot Co. Ltd.
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.2. Production I.G Inc.
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.3. Studio Ghibli Inc.
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.4. Sunrise Inc. (Bandai Namco Filmworks)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.5. Toei Animation Co. Ltd.
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.6. Bones Inc.
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.7. Kyoto Animation Co. Ltd.
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.8. MADHOUSE Inc.
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.9. Crunchyroll (Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.10. Progressive Animation Works Co. Ltd. (PA Works)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.11. Good Smile Company Inc.
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.12. Discotek Media
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.13. Sentai Holdings
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.14. VIZ Media LLC
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.15. Ufotable Co.
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.3.16. Atomic Flare
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development

10. Appendix
    10.1. Research Methodology
    10.2. Report Assumptions
    10.3. Acronyms and Abbreviations 







2018 - 2022

2023 - 2030

Value: US$ Million




Type Coverage

  • T.V.
  • Movie
  • Video
  • Internet Distribution
  • Merchandising
  • Music
  • Pachinko
  • Live Entertainment

Genre Coverage

  • Action & Adventure
  • SciFi & Fantasy
  • Romance & Drama
  • Sports

Geographical Coverage

  • North America
    • U.S.
    • Canada
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • UK
    • France
    • Italy
    • Spain
    • Rest of EU
  • Asia Pacific
    • China
    • Japan
    • India
    • South Korea
    • Rest of APAC
  • Latin America
    • Brazil 
    • Mexico 
    • Rest of Latin America 
  • Middles East & Africa
    • GCC Countries 
    • South Africa 
    • Rest of Middle East & Africa

Leading Companies

  • Pierrot Co. Ltd.
  • Production I.G Inc.
  • Studio Ghibli Inc.
  • Sunrise Inc. (Bandai Namco Filmworks)
  • Toei Animation Co. Ltd.
  • Bones Inc.
  • Kyoto Animation Co. Ltd.
  • Crunchyroll (Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.)
  • Progressive Animation Works Co. Ltd. (PA Works)
  • Good Smile Company Inc.
  • Discotek Media
  • Sentai Holdings LLC (AMC Networks)
  • VIZ Media LLC
  • Ufotable Co. Ltd.
  • Atomic Flare

Report Highlights

Key Market Indicators, Macro-micro economic impact analysis, Technological Roadmap, Key Trends, Driver, Restraints, and Future Opportunities & Revenue Pockets, Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis, Historical Trend (2019-2021), Market Estimates and Forecast, Market Dynamics, Industry Trends, Competition Landscape, Category, Region, Country-wise Trends & Analysis, COVID-19 Impact Analysis (Demand and Supply Chain)

FAQs : Anime Merchandising Market

The global market for anime merchandising refers to the business of making and selling a wide range of products related to anime, including clothing, accessories, toys, collectibles, home decor, and more. These products typically feature characters and themes from popular anime series and are targeted at fans and enthusiasts worldwide.

At an estimated CAGR of more than 8% between 2023 and 2030, the anime merchandising market size is expected to reach over US$44.6 Bn by the end of forecast period. The action and adventure genre currently has the largest fanbase. Asian markets are at the forefront, says the report.

The market has grown due to the increasing popularity of anime globally. Streaming platforms have made anime more accessible, expanding its fanbase. The growing consumer desire to express their love for their favourite shows through merchandise, along with the rise of conventions and online communities, has fueled the growth of the global anime merchandising market.

Anime merchandise covers a diverse range that includes T-shirts, hoodies, posters, keychains, figurines, cosplay costumes, and even home goods like bedding, and kitchenware. Limited-edition items, and exclusive collaborations with brands or individual artists are also popular among consumers worldwide.

Pierrot Co. Ltd., Studio Ghibli Inc., Sunrise Inc., Toei Animation Co. Ltd., Kyoto Animation Co. Ltd., and Progressive Animation Works Co. Ltd. mark some of the leading players in the global anime merchandising industry space.

Our Research Methodology

Considering the volatility of business today, traditional approaches to strategizing a game plan can be unfruitful if not detrimental. True ambiguity is no way to determine a forecast. A myriad of predetermined factors must be accounted for such as the degree of risk involved, the magnitude of circumstances, as well as conditions or consequences that are not known or unpredictable. To circumvent binary views that cast uncertainty, the application of market research intelligence to strategically posture, move, and enable actionable outcomes is necessary.

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